Encounter was created as a biannual event in 2022 with the intention to create a welcoming, meaningful opportunity for our teens, families, and parishioners to have a close personal encounter with Christ. Jesus has opened the door for you, and through his Church, he invites you into a personal relationship with God, but God won’t force you to choose him.
Christ comes to us in the Eucharist, offering himself to us: Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. He nourishes us, offering himself as “our daily bread.” It is easy for us to overlook this extraordinary gift. Even people who go to Mass each Sunday forget that Jesus is not merely symbolically present, but truly and substantially. It’s time for us to entrust ourselves to the One who gave his life for us and invites us to encounter him in the Eucharist.
What happens?
When is the next event?
Our next Encounter will be on
May 18th, 2025 at 6 PM.
We will begin accepting RSVPs for this event in April.
Following the 5 PM Mass, our Youth Ministry provides dinner in the Hall, followed by Praise & Worship, a speaker, and Adoration in the Church. The event will last from 6 PM - 8PM. Check out some photos from our previous Encounter Events.
Who can attend?
All SJN Parishioners, teens and families are welcome and encouraged to attend. All minors must be accompanied by an adult. We hope for families to get to worship together in a meaningful way. After all, the family that prays together, stays together.